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Trapeze’s ITS expert, David Panter, takes centre stage at ITS Summit Singapore 2024 presenting, “Next Generation ITS: Leveraging AI & Machine Learning to Future-Proof Singapore’s Bus Network,” exploring how AI can enhance Singapore’s bus network.
Singapore has always looked to deliver the world’s best and most dependable public transport network, from the MRT network criss-crossing Singapore to the frequent feeder service, diverse bus network as well as the ubiquitous taxi fleet. This paper looks at how the bus service delivery in Singapore has been enhanced through the introduction of CFMS and how the latest evolution into the new BFMS and the AI advancements this entails will further enhance the delivery for the LTA, their operators, and the travelling public.
LTA have continued to invest in enhancing the delivery of services and the new BFMS solution will further enhance the service quality metrics and the availability of live management information to the operators. Through an investment in Machine Learning and AI, the real time arrival predictions will gradually be enhanced to take more account of the network and situation, with an ambition to integrate additional information including weather and traffic status, particularly aimed at improving the predicted arrival time at the next stops. This presentation explores the potential for AI in the modern public transport operation. AI has the potential to enhance the public transport experience, providing all sections of the community with effective and efficient transport. We look at how the needs of the many can be balanced with the special needs of the few, delivering on demand specialist transport services, and how the AI revolution will feed into revenue management, enabling the subtleties of demand to be matched to the supply.
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Public Transport Authorities, Bus
Intelligent Transport Systems