How a multimodal transport operator cut reporting time

Sound Transit oversees several public transport services, including express bus services, commuter rail and light rail, within the Greater Seattle Area.

Partner agencies and suppliers throughout the Seattle area help operate and maintain Sound Transit’s assets and bus fleets, but each were using their own asset management system. This meant they often had untimely and inconsistent reports. Sound Transit’s maintenance staff had to write data down and pass it to a clerk, causing a duplication of effort.

Sound Transit needed an asset management system to streamline workflows, standardize reporting and automate tasks.


    • 30 linear assets
    • 137 rail assets
    • 266 fixed route vehicles
    • 41.4 million passengers a year


    • Reduced reporting time from 3 months to just 1-3 days
    • Minimised internal training time
    • Internal adoption rate of asset management tool of almost 100%

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Mode of Transport

Bus, Trams/Light Rail


Enterprise Asset Management

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